Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I spent the entire day working on my resume. I neglect the housework and didnt even go swimming. I just couldnt stop. I still conflicted about geting a job. Im just going to put feelers out and see what happens. I feel like such a looser for not managing my day better. Its going to be wedsday and I havnt even started my homework. Now wedsday is a bust.

I wonder how long I can go without doing any shopping ists been 4 days and we are out of bread. Maybe I will make pasta tomarrow. I am going to spend the day outside tomarrow. I will make myself do my homework first. That way I wont be stressed. I should have been nicer to my hubby today. I just got really distracted with my resume.

My son tried to come home early and I told him he couldnt. I would love t o just go pick him up and take him to the movies or somthing. I really miss him alot him be. I cant go get him because my husband will be mad and will sulk for days. Thats because he suposed to be grounded and he got out of it by going to his dads. I hope tomarrow will be a better day.

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