Monday, July 13, 2009

Facebook I need a job

I just started a face book account after being off the grid for 15 years. I was in an abusive relationship and I have been trying to fly below the radar ever since (I work under an alias). Anyway, I was able to find close friends that I completely let drop out of my life. I requested friendship's from them, and they have accepted. I even called one of them. I am still waiting to speak to 2 or three of them. As I impatiently wait, I am constantly looking at their walls for any glimmer of attention or indication that they want to be my Friend again; Beyond the pleasantries of "you have a nice family' and "we should stay in touch". I have even started pestering my sons friends and putting them on my friends list. I have gone from being a total recluse to this needy attention obsessed freak. I can't sleep or concentrate on my studies. I keep checking my Face book at least every hour or more. I have come to the conclusion that.....wait for it....I need a job!

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